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Tutorial: Quick Export with Adobe Premiere Pro

Most video editors have been in situations where we need to export a video as fast as possible. It could be a quick turnaround project, a revision, or footage that needs to go to a client or team member for review. The Quick Export feature in Adobe Premiere Pro is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to export a video file in just a few clicks, giving you the confidence to handle any project with ease.

Export Using Presets

To start, open the Project sequence that you want to export. In the Premiere Pro upper toolbar on the right side, navigate to the Quick Export icon. Upon selection, a small window will appear. Only two options will be presented. Starting from the top, you can choose where to place the exported video on your computer. Below users can choose a preset of settings to export the video.

Recent options are shown, along with any Favorites and the Match Sequence Settings choice. Click the Export button. Once you've made your choices, Premiere Pro will create the video.

While Adobe Media Encoder is robust and offers many options, the Quick Export feature can create videos within a few clicks and seconds. It definitely comes in handy when you're in a hurry.

Creating Favorite Export Settings

Another tip for streamlining this process is to create some Favorite export settings when using the same export settings for your projects. This can be for a final cut, a rough cut, et cetera.

Favorites can be added using the traditional Export method back in Premiere Pro. Navigate to File > Export in media in the Project sequence. From here, you can choose all of the Export settings that you'd like to apply to this new Favorite Export Template. When you're done, navigate to the Preset tab. Choose the three-dots icon and select Save Preset. Enter a name for the preset and click OK. From then on, the Favorite should appear under Presets.

When using the Quick Export feature or traditional Export options, I highly recommend trying the Quick Export feature. It will make your workflow more efficient and it's easy to use.

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